The team is introduced to a client and then they start working on a particular project. We assign dedicated teams rather than showing a senior resource and then routing the work to a junior resource. So the client can always check and see how transparent and committed we are towards our projects.
We don’t close a deal just to get few Dollars in our pockets, we communicate, understand, suggest and then deliver a solution towards the requirements of our clients. We work on the latest technologies by following the best practices and conventions.
We are amongst the top 2 percent software developers and solutions architects with the best code writing abilities as we have proved these qualities while delivering the products to our clients globally.
Every project is unique and has its own importance and requires a close supervision to meet the delivery deadlines and the client requires a team that can always suggest and come up with the resolution of the hurdles with multiple options so we Daqeeq takes the ownership for completing these tasks.
At Daqeeq we have a culture that is so open for communication between the team members. We believe in leadership only so everyone is a boss here in his/her own domain.
Copyright © 2023
Working hours
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 6 pm
Sat - Sun: Holiday
Plaza No.60-S 2nd Floor Commercial Imperial Garden Block, Barki Rd,
Paragon City, Lahore, 53200